It is very common for anyone to feel homesick when you are in a new country, or away from home for a long period of time.
No one wants to be alone.
We all need to belong.
Especially in medical school, it is quite touch for one to survive without being a part of a community.
Believe me you need tons of information on the way ahead, such as for passing the exams.
It is safe to say one of the reasons I could manage to survive in med school was because I was surrounded by supportive friends.
For majority of Japanese, it might be quite hard at first to open up and initiate communication, simply because he or she is not generally a fluent speaker.
I was not a good English speaker either, compared to better version of me now.
My close Swedish friends of mine often used to say, “just say whatever comes up in your mind” when words did not flow from my mouth.
Sometimes, I was even ignored by not participating conversations although I really wanted to.
I used to overthink the grammar, the proper way of speaking and pronunciation of words, etc., like many other Japanese.
The best advice I can give you for the future, though, is to open up yourself for a new adventure, people and community, and never be afraid to make some mistakes, or you will miss lots of opportunities!
(Take this advice from someone who became less afraid than before)
See you soon!
ではまた! てるくん。

- 海外医学部出身と思えぬほど日本人気質全開のソフトな性格の病理医。繊細でうたれ弱いが、ハンガリー人の奥さんの前では亭主関白。日本語より英語が得意なことが自慢でありコンプレックスでもある(らしい)。
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