When you attend school abroad, homesickness might hit you for a bit.
Being in a new environment, surrounded by unfamiliar faces and customs, it’s natural to long for the comforts of home.
As for me, besides missing your family, nothing quite compared to the longing for Japanese cuisine.
Sure, you can scout Japanese or Asian eateries, but dining out daily as a student can burn a hole in your pocket.
Now, you might think hunting down Japanese ingredients overseas is a difficult task, but even back in my day, Asian supermarkets came to the rescue.
Sure, you’ll spot a handful of Japanese essentials, but brace yourself – they come with hefty price tag compared to back home. Yet, traveling to those stores were like treasure hunts. I was very happy to purchase cup noodles, frozen natto, Japanese ingredients, sweets etc.. albeit at premium.
Once armed with Japanese sauces and seasonings, I’d whip up a storm of dishes – curry, shogayaki, yakisoba, you name it!
Sometimes us Japanese students would gather at someone’s place, swapping homemade dishes and stories.
These instances of shared culinary joy truly hit the spot when you are far from home.
While nothing beats the flavors of Japan, you’ll always find inventive ways to quell those cravings with what’s available. Here’s to satisfying your taste buds, no matter where you roam!

- 海外医学部出身と思えぬほど日本人気質全開のソフトな性格の病理医。繊細でうたれ弱いが、ハンガリー人の奥さんの前では亭主関白。日本語より英語が得意なことが自慢でありコンプレックスでもある(らしい)。
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