The rent depends on landlord’s capriciousness (well sometimes…).
No matter where you are, it may be very difficult to find the best place to live or stay.
It turned out to be more challenging than I thought to stick to one place during my stay in Budapest, Hungary.As a matter of fact, I rented and lived in total of 9 different apartments in 9 years! There were a number of reasons for that, though, it mostly is due to antagonistic relationships with landlords that I encountered.
In a country like Hungary, you contact landlords directly rather than through real estate agents before you check out places of your interest, as well as signing the contract. If you are not good at negotiation, they might take advantage of you determining the rent, duration of the stay and such, which would be very strange in Japan.
One particular and unpleasant instance I remember, though, I almost lost all my deposits due to my cruel landlords. In order to get back all the money (deposits) that I lawfully deserved, I once brought a scary Hungarian friend of mine who could negotiate in their language so landlords couldn’t talk themselves out of the situation.
I do not want it to sound scary, but these things inevitably happen when you are in a different country. You cannot be too careful about what is going on around you especially when you are away from Japan.
I think these experiences can teach you the importance of negotiation and standing your ground. Like someone very smart said, you always have to expect the unexpected.
See you again!
ハンガリーのブタペストで自分の居場所を安定させるのは、思った以上に大変だったな。その事実として、僕は9年間の滞在中9回も住まいを変えたんだよ! それにはいろんな理由があるんだけど、大きなものとしては、やっぱりその都度出会った家主との対立!があげられる。

- 海外医学部出身と思えぬほど日本人気質全開のソフトな性格の病理医。繊細でうたれ弱いが、ハンガリー人の奥さんの前では亭主関白。日本語より英語が得意なことが自慢でありコンプレックスでもある(らしい)。
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